Perfect Beam for Better Sizing
Main Features :
  • Perfect cylinders compact warper beam
  • Effect kick-back to avoid damage to yarn
  • Few Missing end/cross end/rolling ends.
  • Quick stop of beam at thread break.
  • Accurate Warping length within 0.1%
  • Oscilating comb to avoid damage to yarn and comb
  • User friendly working of HMI (Human Machine Interface)
Striking Bar
Striking bar provided at the head stock avoids the rolling/crossing of ends at the start of machine after every stop.
Technical Specification
  • Beam Diameter (mm) – 800/1000/1250/1400
  • Useful width (mm) – 1400/1600/1800/2000/2200/2400
  • Mechanical speed (m/m) – For 800/1400mm dia. – 1000- For 1000/1250mm dia. – 1200
  • Height at comb (mm) – 800 (1170), 1000(1270), 1250(1470), 1400(1570)
Measuring Roll
Light weight measuring roll at the head stock ensures the warper beams of predetermined length to ensure minimum waste of residual length on the warper beam at Sizing.
Wind Shield
Wind Shield provided at the Head Stock safeguards warper from the high speed arper beam and also from the fluff in spun yarn. It acts automatically to provide access to comb/beam at thread break.
Comb Assembly
Motorized comb ensures lateral alignment of comb to width of beam. Vertical movement of comb increases the life of comb & horizontal movement gives ridges free warper beam. Intermittent air blow behind the comb assembly clears the comb of fluff.
H-creel is available with Swivel Frame designed to accept all type of spun yarn packages from 1kg to 5kgs. Creel for bigger packages upto 15kgs can be designed, upon request. Tensioner Frame is adjustable for different balloon lengths and also for rotating of Swivel Frames. It is available with inside threading (for filament yarn) with less angle between Creel and Head Stock & outside threading (for spun yarn) where attending to thread breaks is more important. Swiveling can be manual or automatic. H-creel is also available with truck trolley, with packages placed on both side of truck. A spare truck set is kept ready duly loaded with package. This helps to reduce set change time by taking out the empty trucks & inserting loaded trucks.
Custom Made Creel
These are to meet specific requirements of client in case of special applications, such as tape yarn, two tier creel etc.
Tensioning Device
Self-rotating, double disc tensioning device in H-Creel, is centrally controlled and is self-cleaning type with no fluff accumulation to give uniform tension on all threads in the creel.
Press Roll Kick - Back
Beam press roll is made of fabric based LAMTUF for longer life with metal rings on both sides. Increasing beam diameter presses back drum with preset beam pressure to get uniform density from start to finish of beam. This avoids beam burst. This gives absolutely cylinders beam.Kick-back at thread break makes instant swinging of press roll to avoid damage to yarn by frictions.
Centering of Warper Beam
Bevel driving wheels ensure perfect centering of the warping beam. They also avoid any slip due to perfect grip of the beam.
Disc Brake
Disc brakes mounted on both the sides of driving chucks ensure quick stop of the warping beam at all diameter at high speed. This minimizes the missing ends.
User Friendly HMI
(Human Machine Interface)
  • User friendly HMI (can be provided in local languages)
  • Displays the detail of Warping information with graphic display, easy to understand.
  • Menu driven data input
  • Error messages with details of cause & repair
  • Flashing of maintenance schedule
Perfect Creel to get Optimum Performance
Main Features:
  • Modular Construction
  • Different models to meet different requirements
  • H-creel
  • Swivel Frames
  • Inside Frames
  • Inside threading (Filament Yarn)
  • Outside threading (Spun Yarn)
  • Truck Trolley
  • Magazine Creel
  • V-creel
  • Custom made creel to meet specific requirements
Different Models of creels are available depending upon type of yarn, type of package, size of package and available space.
Technical Specifications For Wraping 'H' Type Creel
NO. OF ROWS 8 7 6 5 6 5 5
NO. OF PEGS IN EACH TROLLY/MODULE 96 84 60 40 48 40 30
RANGE OF ENDS 96-864 84-756 60-660 40-520 48-720 40-440 30-480
CREEL HEIGHT 2790MM 2560MM 2560MM 2560MM 2760MM 2600MM 2930MM
HEIGHT OF TOP TIER FROM FLOOR 2190MM 1960MM 1960MM 1960MM 2160MM 2000MM 2221MM
MODULE LENGHT 1620MM 1680MM 1600MM 1440MM 1440MM 1600MM 1350MM